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PRODUCTO DIGITAL: Introduction to Electrical Engineering: International Edition (ebook)

By S.A. Reza Zekavat


For non-electrical engineering majors taking the introduction to electrical engineering course.

Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications is the result of a multi-disciplinary effort at Michigan Technological University to create a new curriculum that is attractive, motivational, and relevant to students by creating many application-based problems; and provide the optimal level of both range and depth of coverage of EE topics in a curriculum package.

Chapter 1 Why Electrical Engineering?
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Electrical Engineering and a Successful Career
1.3 What Do You Need to Know about EE?
1.4 Real Career Success Stories
1.5 Typical Situations Encountered on the Job
1.5.1 On-the-Job Situation 1: Active Structural Control
1.5.2 On-the-Job Situation 2: Chemical Process Control
1.5.3 On-the-Job Situation 3: Performance of an Off-Road Vehicle Prototype

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Charge and Current
2.3 Voltage
2.4 Respective Direction of Voltage and Current
2.5 Kirchhoff’s Current Law
2.6 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
2.7 Ohm’s Law and Resistors
2.7.1 Resistivity of a Resistor
2.7.2 Nonlinear Resistors
2.7.3 Time-Varying Resistors
2.8 Power and Energy
2.8.1 Resistor-Consumed Power
2.9 Independent and Dependent Sources
2.10 Analysis of Circuits Using PSpice
Bias Point Analysis
Time Domain (Transient) Analysis
Copy the Simulation Plot to the Clipboard to Submit Electronically
2.11 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 3 Resistive Circuits
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Resistors in Parallel and Series and Equivalent Resistance
3.3 Voltage and Current Division/Divider Rules
3.3.1 Voltage Division
3.3.2 Current Division
3.4 Nodal and Mesh Analysis
3.4.1 Nodal Analysis
3.4.2 Mesh Analysis
3.5 Special Conditions: Super Node
3.6 Thévenin/Norton Equivalent Circuits
3.6.1 Source Transformation
3.7 Superposition Principle
3.8 Maximum Power Transfer
3.9 Analysis of Circuits Using PSpice
3.10 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 4 Capacitance and Inductance
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Capacitors
4.2.1 The Relationship Between Charge, Voltage, and Current
4.2.2 Power
4.2.3 Energy
4.3 Capacitors in Series and Parallel
4.3.1 Series Capacitors
4.3.2 Parallel Capacitance
4.4 Inductors
4.4.1 The Relationship Between Voltage and Current
4.4.2 Power and Stored Energy
4.5 Inductors in Series and Parallel
4.5.1 Inductors in Series
4.5.2 Inductors in Parallel
4.6 Applications of Capacitors and Inductors
4.6.1 Fuel Sensors
4.6.2 Vibration Sensors
4.7 Analysis of Capacitive and Inductive Circuits Using PSpice
4.8 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 5 Transient Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 First-Order Circuits
5.2.1 RC Circuits
5.2.2 RL Circuits
5.3 DC Steady State
5.4 DC Steady State for Capacitive–Inductive Circuits
5.5 Second-Order Circuits
5.5.1 Series RLC Circuits with a DC Voltage Source
5.5.2 Parallel RLC Circuits with a DC Voltage Source
5.6 Transient Analysis with Sinusoid Forcing Functions
5.7 Using PSpice to Investigate the Transient Behavior of RL and RC Circuits
5.8 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 6 Steady-State AC Analysis
6.1 Introduction: Sinusoidal Voltages and Currents
6.1.1 Root-Mean-Square (rms) Values (Effective Values)
6.1.2 Instantaneous and Average Power
6.2 Phasors
6.2.1 Phasors in Additive or (Subtractive) Sinusoids
6.3 Complex Impedances
6.3.1 The Impedance of a Resistor
6.3.2 The Impedance of an Inductor
6.3.3 The Impedance of a Capacitor
6.3.4 Series Connection of Impedances
6.3.5 Parallel Connection of Impedances
6.4 Steady-State Circuit Analysis Using Phasors
6.5 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits with Phasors
6.5.1 Thévenin Equivalent Circuits with Phasors
6.5.2 Norton Equivalent Circuits with Phasors
6.6 AC Steady-State Power
6.6.1 Average Power
6.6.2 Power Factor
6.6.3 Reactive Power
6.6.4 Complex Power
6.6.5 Apparent Power
6.6.6 Maximum Average Power Transfer
6.6.7 Power Factor Correction
6.7 Steady-State Circuit Analysis Using PSpice
6.8 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 7 Frequency Analysis
7.1 Introduction
7.2 First-Order Filters
7.2.1 Transfer Functions
7.3 Low-Pass Filters
7.3.1 Magnitude and Phase Plots
7.3.2 Decibels
7.3.3 Bode Plot
7.4 High-Pass Filters
7.4.1 Cascaded Networks
7.5 Second-Order Filters
7.5.1 Band-Pass Filters
7.5.2 Band-Stop Filters
7.6 MATLAB Applications
7.7 Frequency Response Analysis Using PSpice
7.8 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 8 Electronic Circuits
8.1 Introduction
8.2 P-Type and N-Type Semiconductors
8.3 Diodes
8.3.1 Diode Applications
8.3.2 Different Types of Diodes
8.3.3 AC-to-DC Converter
8.4 Transistors
8.4.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor
8.4.2 Transistor as an Amplifier
8.4.3 Transistors as Switches
8.4.4 Field-Effect Transistors
8.4.5 Design of NOT Gates Using NMOS Only for High-Density Integration
8.4.6 Design of a Logic Gate Using CMOS
8.5 Operational Amplifiers
8.6 Using PSpice to Study Diodes and Transistors
8.7 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 9 Power Systems and Transmission Lines
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Three-Phase Systems
9.2.1 Introduction
9.2.2 Phase Sequence
9.2.3 Y-Connected Generators
9.2.4 Y-Connected Loads
9.2.5 ∆-Connected Loads
9.2.6 ∆-Star and Star-∆ Transformations
9.2.7 Power in Three-Phase Systems
9.2.8 Comparison of Star and ∆ Load Connections
9.2.9 Advantages of Three-Phase Systems
9.3 Transmission Lines
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Resistance (R)
9.3.3 Different Types of Conductors
9.3.4 Inductance (L)
9.3.5 Capacitance
9.3.6 Transmission Line Equivalent Circuits
9.4 Using PSpice to Study Three-Phase Systems
9.5 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 10 Fundamentals of Logic Circuits
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Number Systems
10.2.1 Binary Numbers
10.2.2 Hexadecimal Numbers
10.2.3 Octal Numbers
10.3 Boolean Algebra
10.3.1 Boolean Inversion
10.3.2 Boolean AND Operation
10.3.3 Boolean OR Operation
10.3.4 Boolean NAND Operation
10.3.5 Boolean NOR Operation
10.3.6 Boolean XOR Operation
10.3.7 Summary of Boolean Operations
10.3.8 Rules Used in Boolean Algebra
10.3.9 De Morgan’s Theorems
10.3.10 Commutativity Rule
10.3.11 Associativity Rule
10.3.12 Distributivity Rule
10.4 Basic Logic Gates
10.4.1 The NOT Gate
10.4.2 The AND Gate
10.4.3 The OR Gate
10.4.4 The NAND Gate
10.4.5 The NOR Gate
10.4.6 The XOR Gate
10.4.7 The XNOR Gate
10.5 Sequential Logic Circuits
10.5.1 Flip-Flops
10.5.2 Counter
10.6 Using PSpice to Analyze Digital Logic Circuits
10.7 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 11 Computer-Based Instrumentation Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Sensors
11.2.1 Pressure Sensors
11.2.2 Temperature Sensors
11.2.3 Accelerometers
11.2.4 Strain-Gauges/Load Cells
11.2.5 Acoustic Sensors
11.2.6 Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT)
11.3 Signal Conditioning
11.3.1 Amplifiers
11.3.2 Active Filters
11.4 Data Acquisition
11.4.1 Analog Multiplexer
11.4.2 Analog-to-Digital Conversion
11.5 Grounding Issues
11.5.1 Ground Loops
11.6 Using PSpice to Demonstrate a Computer-Based Instrument
11.7 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 12 Principles of Electromechanics
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Magnetic Fields
12.2.1 Magnetic Flux and Flux Intensity
12.2.2 Magnetic Field Intensity
12.2.3 The Right-Hand Rule
12.2.4 Forces on Charges by Magnetic Fields
12.2.5 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires
12.2.6 Flux Linkages
12.2.7 Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law
12.3 Magnetic Circuits
12.3.1 Magnetomotive Force
12.3.2 Reluctance
12.4 Mutual Inductance and Transformers
12.4.1 Mutual Inductance
12.4.2 Transformers
12.5 Different Types of Transformers
12.6 Using PSpice to Simulate Mutual Inductance and Transformers
12.7 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 13 Electric Machines
13.1 Introduction
13.1.1 Features of Electric Machines
13.1.2 Classification of Motors
13.2 DC Motors
13.2.1 Principle of Operation
13.2.2 Assembly of a Typical DC Motor
13.2.3 Operation of a DC Motor
13.2.4 Losses in DC Machines
13.3 Different Types of DC Motors
13.3.1 Analysis of a DC Motor
13.3.2 Shunt-Connected DC Motor
13.3.3 Separately Excited DC Motors
13.3.4 Permanent Magnet (PM) DC Motor
13.3.5 Series-Connected DC Motor
13.3.6 Summary of DC Motors
13.4 Speed Control Methods
13.4.1 Speed Control by Varying the Field Current
13.4.2 Speed Control by Varying the Armature Current
13.5 DC Generators
13.5.1 The Architecture and Principle of Operation of a DC Generator
13.5.2 emf Equation
13.6 Different Types of DC Generators
13.6.1 Load Regulation Characteristics of DC Generators
13.6.2 Separately Excited DC Generator
13.6.3 Shunt-Connected DC Generator
13.7 AC Motors
13.7.1 Three-Phase Synchronous Motors
13.7.2 Three-Phase Induction Motor
13.7.3 Losses in AC Machines
13.7.4 Power Flow Diagram for an AC Motor
13.8 AC Generators
13.8.1 Construction and Working
13.8.2 Winding Terminologies for the Alternator
13.8.3 The emf Equation of an Alternator
13.9 Special Types of Motors
13.9.1 Single-Phase Induction Motors
13.9.2 Stepper Motors
13.9.3 Brushless DC Motors
13.9.4 Universal Motors
13.10 How is the Most Suitable Motor Selected?
13.11 Setup of a Simple DC Motor Circuit Using PSpice
13.12 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 14 Electrical Measurement Instruments
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Measurement Errors
14.3 Basic Measurement Instruments
14.3.1 An Ammeter Built Using a Galvanometer
14.3.2 A Voltmeter Built Using a Galvanometer
14.3.3 An Ohmmeter Built Using a Galvanometer
14.3.4 Multi-Meters
14.4 Time Domain and Frequency Domain
14.4.1 The Time Domain
14.4.2 The Frequency Domain
14.4.3 Time Domain Versus Frequency Domain
14.5 The Oscilloscope
14.6 The Spectrum Analyzer
14.6.1 Adjusting the Spectrum Analyzer’s Display Window
14.7 The Function Generator
14.8 What Did You Learn?

Chapter 15 Electrical Safety
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Electric Shock
15.2.1 Shock Effects
15.2.2 Shock Prevention
15.3 Electromagnetic Hazards
15.3.1 High-Frequency Hazards
15.3.2 Low-Frequency Hazards
15.3.3 Avoiding Radio Frequency Hazards
15.4 Arcs and Explosions
15.4.1 Arcs
15.4.2 Blasts
15.4.3 Explosion Prevention
15.5 The National Electric Code
15.5.1 Shock Prevention
15.5.2 Fire Prevention
15.6 What Did You Learn?